17 Sylvan Way, Silverstream, Upper Hutt City
Land area
Updated 2 months ago
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We may not have any upcoming open homes but we can usually schedule a private visit.
17 Sylvan Way is a wonderful 900m2 section & it is surrounded by quality homes in sought after Silverstream.
Sections here are as rare as hens teeth, & it is an opportunity not to be missed!
Elevated site with lovely views & well positioned for sunshine.
Fantastic location with a delightful neighbourhood and within walking distance to shops, trains, Silverstream Village and schools.
Call Robyn 027 210 4309 or 527 7007 Or email us at robyn.pete@tallpoppy.co.nz
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We can send you links to all of the documents we have on hand for this property.
Including Council documents and titles if available.
Allow 5-10 mins for the request to be processed.
Updated 2 months ago
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